DRWF Events: Retinal screening presentation set for Diabetes Wellness Day South
Diabetic Eye Screening Programme team will be highlighting the importance of regular eye tests for people living with diabetes.
DRWF are very pleased to welcome the team from the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Diabetic Eye Screening Programme to make a presentation at our upcoming Diabetes Wellness Day South.
This year’s Diabetes Wellness Day South is scheduled to be held on Saturday, 14th May at the Solent Hotel, Whiteley, Hampshire.
The Hampshire and Isle of Wight Diabetic Eye Screening Programme will be delivering the two sessions on the day, in addition to having a stand in the exhibition room so they can meet and talk with delegates attending the event.

Lee Calladine, DRWF event co-ordinator, said: “The Hampshire and Isle of Wight Diabetic Eye Screening Programme are a great team to work with and incredibly supportive of DRWF. They have attended and supported every single Diabetes Wellness Day South event since the very first one. I'm really grateful and excited to be working with them again.”
The Retinal Screening Service welcomes anyone aged 12 and over with diabetes.
Diabetic retinopathy is caused when diabetes affects the small blood vessels in the retina, which may affect your sight.
It does not usually affect your sight until changes are advanced. Annual screening is an effective way of preventing sight loss caused by diabetes.
The presentation will include an overview of engagement in the programme and information on the importance of attending regular eye screening sessions.
The Hampshire and Isle of Wight Diabetic Eye Screening Programme team said: “We are very excited to be present at the DRWF event and hope to see you there!”
DRWF supporters are also invited to attend the upcoming Hampshire and Isle of Wight Diabetic Eye Screening Programme Service User Forum meeting.
This online event is scheduled to be held on Friday, 17th June from 1pm to 2.30pm on Microsoft Teams.
For more information and to register your place contact the engagement team on 01983 898334, or by email.

Why should I attend a Diabetes Wellness Day?
The Diabetes Wellness Days bring together a wealth of information under one roof for people living with diabetes, their family members, carers, friends and those with an interest in the condition.
The chance to learn, explore and gather the tools, understanding and practical skills needed to improve life with diabetes and the keys to healthier living are provided, ensuring all participants have the opportunity to raise their questions, share their experiences and enjoy the support of a friendly, like-minded diabetes community in a relaxed and informal atmosphere.
At our days you can learn how to take better control of your diabetes and go home armed with the know-how to change your life and health for the better.
Dates for 2022
Diabetes Wellness Day South
Saturday, 14th May
Solent Hotel, Whiteley, Hampshire
Diabetes Wellness Day Midlands
Saturday, 24th September
Chesford Grange, Kenilworth, Warwickshire
Diabetes Wellness Day North
Saturday, 26th November
The National Museum of the Royal Navy, Hartlepool
For more information and to register easily online please visit our event pages
Contact DRWF Educational Event Co-ordinator Lee Calladine by email for Wellness Event queries
Read more at DRWF Educational and Fundraising Events in 2022: Getting back together again to support people living with diabetes
Read the DRWF diabetes information leaflet How can diabetes affect my eyes?
Further reports to follow – visit DRWF news page
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