“Making a difference” – How AMRC charities help promote new research
A new video has been released by AMRC to highlight the impact of charity funded research.
The Association of Medical Research Charities, of which DRWF is a member, has released a new video to show how important charity funding is for research.
The video coincides with the publication of the AMRC’s Making a difference: Impact report 2017. The report analysed charity-funded research impact from 5,287 research awards, funded by 40 member charities.
Watch the video here:
DRWF is a member of the Association of Medical Research Charities (AMRC), a membership body representing 137 leading medical and health research charities in the UK. Working with member charities and partners AMRC aims to support the voluntary sectors effectiveness and advance medical research by developing best practice, providing information and guidance, improving public dialogue about research and science and influencing government.
As a member, DRWF fulfils AMRC’s criteria for the use of peer review for allocating funding and support AMRC position statements on the payment of indirect costs in universities and the use of animals in medical research.
AMRC member groups spent more than £1.3 billion on medical and health research in the UK in 2014 - more than one third of all publicly-funded medical research in the UK.
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