Study recruitment: Research on diabetes-related amputations
Researchers seeking people who have had an amputation linked to diabetes.
Researchers are looking for volunteers to share their experiences of diabetes-related amputations.
The study is being conducted by a team of researchers from St Marys University, Imperial College London, and the University of Chichester.
Researchers said: “We are interested in understanding what advice and recommendations, with the benefit of hindsight, you would tell your ‘younger self’ regarding your diabetes care before your amputation?
“Diabetes-related foot complications are rising in the UK and are a leading cause of diabetes related hospital admissions. Early detection is key and can reduce the risk of serious consequences such as gangrene and amputation. Lack of awareness and other issues such as taboos around feet are among the causes of poor uptake of footcare services and self-care.
“Research indicates that reflecting on past events can be beneficial to the healing process. We would like to support you to do this whilst additionally helping others.
“You can write down your recommendations or discuss them with us, whichever you prefer.”
Researchers added: “The aim of the project is to get people who have had an amputation linked to diabetes to look back to events and practices prior to them experiencing the need for an amputation. We are hoping that this will provide learning that will help support the health practices of others with diabetes and perhaps help them moving forward in their own lives.”
To participate in the survey visit here
For more information contact the project researcher by email here
NOTE: DRWF will from time-to-time advise readers of ‘calls to participate’ in diabetes and related health research studies. It should not necessarily be considered that the charity is in any way connected to the study or the group issuing the call for participants. If we are involved in any way, we will make this known. We will only share external calls where we have confirmed that the study holds ethics committee approval, and the study is specific to diabetes and related health. Taking part in a medical research study is a big step and further helpful information can be found via the National Institute for Health and Care Research Clinical Trials Guide.
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